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We are a very low pressure outfit, we don't insist on attendence every week, there is no "homework" or deadlines

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Natural Patrols

A true Patrol is an organic thing, it just gells

Percieved wisdom sometimes sees friends split up to encourage "leadership". We don't do that, in fact quite the opposite.


You are in control

We understand that at times you will have exams and other pressures, we are very flexible about attendance

New Friends

We take great pride in developing new friendships

Coming into a new group can be quite daunting, we take particular pride in helping new Explorers settle in and become part of the crew

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"Tonight I just need to chill"

Explorers offers many opportunities, including the opportunity to unwind.

Coming Together

Food again!

Nothing brings people together more than sharing a meal

Headspace and coming together!

Outdoors and fresh air

Hiking isn't a route march, fresh air, nature and the chance for a chat





